May 21

Safety risks looming with the privatization of heating-cooling plants in the National Capital Region, says economist

In partnership with the Public Service Alliance of Canada, economist Robin Shaban has released a report on the government’s planned privatization of a major heating-cooling plants in the National Capital Region (NCR).

May 17

Phoenix: PBO report proves Trudeau’s damages offer is not enough

The Parliamentary Budget Officer (PBO) released a report on the inevitable expenses associated with stabilizing, and ultimately replacing, the broken Phoenix pay system.

May 17

FB bargaining team calls for end of FB-2 status for Border Services Officers

The PSAC-Customs and Immigration Union (PSAC-CIU) bargaining team representing the Border Services (FB) group made limited progress in their latest round of negotiations with Treasury Board/Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) the week of May 13.

Leave provisions

May 17

L’AFPC : OUI aux milieux de travail trans-inclusifs, NON à l’interdiction des dons de sang

Le 17 mai, à l’occasion de la Journée internationale de lutte contre l’homophobie, la transphobie et la biphobie, l’AFPC se joindra aux travailleuses et travailleurs LGBTQ2+ du monde entier pour réclamer la fin de l’oppression et de la discrimination à l’égard des minorités sexuelles ou de genre.

May 17

PSAC continues to push for trans inclusive workplaces and an end to the discriminatory blood ban

On the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia (May 17th), PSAC is united with LGBTQ2+ workers around the world in calling for an end to oppression and discrimination of gender and sexual minorities.

May 16

Statement from PSAC President Chris Aylward on the PBO Report: Replacing the Federal Pay System

The figures released today by the Parliamentary Budget Officer come as no surprise to PSAC or to the more than 100,000 PSAC members who are in their fourth year of the Phoenix pay system disaster.

May 15

Asian Heritage Month: Anne Marie's story

Throughout the month of May, we will be highlighting the achievements of some of our very own PSAC activists of Asian Heritage and sharing some of the historical moments that have shaped the lives of Asian Canadians.


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