About your union dues

PSAC dues are based on the political structure of the union. All members belong to a local, which may have a local dues rate (adopted at its Annual General Meeting). All locals – except for Directly Chartered Locals (DCLs) – are affiliated with a component, which has a dues rate that is adopted at the component’s Triennial Convention. And finally, each component is affiliated with PSAC, which has a rate that is adopted at the National Triennial Convention. All dues rates are democratically decided.

Dues rates can be either a percentage of salary or a flat rate.  Percentage rates are applied against the first step salary of the classification, not on the actual step salary. Dues are not applied against overtime, bonuses or retroactive pay.  Part-time members pay pro-rated dues based on the hours worked. However, flat rates are not pro-rated.

* Please note northern components use a different dues structure. For more details, please contact your component representative with the Yukon Employees Union, the Union of Northern Workers or the Nunavut Employees Union.

A member’s affiliation within a local/component is often determined by the employer or department where they work.  For example:

  • Members who work for the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) belong to the Union of Taxation Employees (UTE) and may belong to any number of locals within UTE depending on their geographical area of work.
  • Members working for the Fisheries and Oceans Canada may belong to either the Union of Health and Environment Workers (UHEW) or the Union of Canadian Transportation Employees (UCTE), depending on the type of work they do, and to a local within either UHEW or UCTE depending on their geographical area of work.

Monthly, PSAC receives information from your employer regarding the work you do, such as your classification and hours of work. This helps PSAC determine the correct amount of union dues that your employer should be deducting from your pay. For our members within the core federal public service (Government of Canada), if there are adjustments – such as a transfer from one department to another – PSAC recalculates the correct amount and advises the employer in kind.

Union dues as of January 1, 2025

  • Your PSAC dues rate is 0.9617%

Strike Fund contribution

  • Members also provide monthly contributions to the PSAC Strike Fund
  • This is an ongoing contribution, continued from the previous budget cycle
  • Members contribute $2.20 each month to the PSAC Strike Fund.  If the Fund falls below $25 million, that contribution will increase.
  • There is more than $25 million currently in the Fund.  This provides payment of strike pay, benefits and expenses when members are on strike or have been locked out.

Differences in deductions

  • The total amount deducted for union dues will vary, depending on your local/branch and component affiliation.
  • On average, PSAC receives 55% of dues, with 45% going to components and locals/branches.


Dues for members in PSAC components are made up of:

  • PSAC dues + Component dues + local/branch dues. Refer to chart in the “How to Calculate Your Union Dues” link for dates.
  • Any change in dues rates are a result of decisions taken by delegates at each component’s triennial convention.  Changes in local and branch dues may also apply.  Such changes would be as a result of decisions taken at their local/branch annual general membership.

Directly Chartered Locals

Dues for members in Directly Chartered Locals consist of:

  • PSAC dues + local dues (where applicable) + service agreement abatement (an amount determined in the individual service agreement, paid to the local or PSAC for servicing).
  • The rate of the service agreement abatement is calculated using the weighted average of component dues which all members of Directly Chartered Locals pay.
  • The rate is reviewed every three years following the component convention cycle and the rate (either static or new) is approved by the Alliance Executive Committee. The rate was reviewed in 2024 and a rate of 0.6196% became effective January 1, 2025.

How to calculate union dues

August 8, 2022