May 29

Mois du patrimoine asiatique : L’histoire de Terri

Tout au long du mois, nous mettrons en vedette les réalisations de certains de nos propres militants d’ascendance asiatique. Nous soulignerons aussi certains des jalons historiques qui ont façonné la vie des Canadiennes et Canadiens d’origine asiatique.

May 29

Asian Heritage Month: Terri’s story

Throughout the month of May, we will be highlighting the achievements of some of our very own PSAC activists of Asian Heritage and sharing some of the historical moments that have shaped the lives of Asian Canadians. 

May 28

Joint Union Statement - Trudeau government must pause heating plant privatization and answer key questions

The leaders of 4 national unions, representing more than 1.2 million workers, are demanding that the Trudeau government step back from the imminent privatization of federal centralized heating and cooling plants in the National Capital Region, and stop stonewalling requests for information on this potentially reckless change to critical infrastructure.

Workers and clients in the buildings served by these plants have a right to know that their concerns about safety and security are being heard and are being addressed. 

May 28

Negotiations resume for Parks Canada members today

Today, PSAC’s Parks bargaining team will be returning to Ottawa to negotiate with Parks Canada representatives. Meetings will take place over three days from May 28 to 30.

Last time, PSAC’s Parks negotiating team saw some movement at the bargaining table, but in small increments. Although the employer did come to the table with more language, they still showed reluctance to move on major items.


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