Communications and Political Action

March 9, 2017
The Liberal government is in a position to take real action that would greatly improve women’s economic security.
February 17, 2017
Have your say. It’s been a year. Fix Phoenix. Tell Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to fix Phoenix and learn from the mistakes that led to this debacle
October 26, 2016
The Liberal government is following the Conservatives’ lead by introducing legislation that will allow employers to reduce pension benefits. Bill C-27, An Act to amend the Pension Benefits Standards Act, had its first reading in the House of Commons last week. A target benefit pension plan is a big gamble This bill will allow employers to shift from good, defined benefit plans that provide secure and predictable pension benefits, into the much less secure form of target benefits.
October 12, 2016
The Public Service Alliance of Canada congratulates the 17 winners of this year’s scholarship awards, given to PSAC members in good standing and their dependent children. “The scholarship winners demonstrated their grasp of current events and the labour movement,” said PSAC National President Robyn Benson. “The winners were articulate in expressing how the PSAC can continue to improve the working conditions and rights of its members.”
July 21, 2016
We want you to know that our union is doing everything in its power to ensure the new pay system is fixed so you get paid on time
July 20, 2015
If you’re a PSAC member, most of your rights are set out in a collective agreement - a contract - negotiated between the union and your employer. Each employer has a different collective agreement. Big employers, like the federal government, have several collective agreements, each covering a different group of workers. PSAC negotiates more than 300 different contracts for its members.
July 15, 2015
 Almost 25 years ago, the Supreme Court of Canada confirmed that federal public service employees have a constitutional right to engage in political activity. At that time, the Public Service Employment Act did not allow these employees to take part in any political activities except casting their vote. The Court agreed that political activity is consistent with the Charter of Rights and Freedom’s guarantee of freedom of expression to individuals.
June 19, 2015
PSAC is opposed to the government’s new security screening policy
March 30, 2015
One of the hallmarks of a healthy democracy is the ability of citizens to participate freely and actively in determining who they elect to govern and make decisions on their behalf.  PSAC members are encouraged to take an active role in exercising their democratic political rights by: 
March 27, 2015
PSAC is very pleased to announce that it has reached an agreement with Treasury Board on the establishment of a joint task force on mental health. PSAC tabled the proposal in January to ensure a more proactive approach to improving mental health. Following negotiations this week with Treasury Board, the parties agreed on the makeup, responsibilities and timelines for the task force on mental health.

