Communications and Political Action

March 11, 2020
Strike votes have been suspended until further notice.
March 6, 2020
Following a Public Interest Commission (PIC) report that backs the union’s demand for crucial wage adjustments, the Public Service Alliance of Canada will begin holding strike votes for civilian hospitality workers at Canadian Forces Base Valcartier. In a resounding victory for Non-Public Funds (NPF) workers, the Commission has sided with PSAC, calling on the government to fix wage gaps for employees whose wages lag far behind their peers in the industry.
March 6, 2020
International Women’s Day is a time to look back on the victories and struggles that have led to greater gender equality in Canada and around the world. It is also a day to remember that there is still much more work to be done to achieve equality for all women. 
March 4, 2020
Buckling under pressure from unions and RCMP civilian members, the federal government has agreed to delay moving employees onto the disastrous Phoenix pay system.
February 14, 2020
Our bargaining team was very surprised – to say the least – to see CRA’s email to all staff regarding our current negotiations. 
February 11, 2020
The most recent results from the Public Service Employee Survey show that, despite some improvements over the years, significant barriers remain for marginalized groups. The annual survey, which asks questions about peoples’ experiences at work, provides a picture of the reality facing workers from diverse groups, and that picture is not always a rosy one.
February 6, 2020
The federal government has announced the expansion of the Phoenix expense claims process to include an additional element to accept claims for severe financial hardship. This expansion was part of the Phoenix damages settlement agreed to by non-PSAC bargaining units last year. PSAC is in favour of this part of the Phoenix settlement, but was forced to reject the overall deal because of the meagre offer of five days of leave as general compensation which is too little, and unfairly rewards higher earners in the public service when cashed in.
February 5, 2020
PSAC has now received the Public Interest Commission’s (PIC) recommendations on issues that are specific to the Education and Library Science (EB) group. The PIC’s recommendations on issues common to all Treasury Board groups will be made available when the Commission submits its recommendations for the Program and Administrative Services (PA) group.
January 31, 2020
Earlier this month, PSAC and its component union UPCE announced that we would head into early negotiations with Canada Post Corporation to reach a new collective agreement before the current one expires in August 2020. Both parties agreed to enter into this process by submitting a “short list” of six non-contentious issues to be discussed at the negotiating table, including wage increases.
January 23, 2020
The FB bargaining team continued their push to make Canada Border Services Agency a better place to work during talks with Treasury Board/CBSA the week of January 20, but the employer still refuses to budge on any meaningful improvements. Our team highlighted issues around: Name tags: The employer still insists that officers must display their names on name tags. Our team reiterated that this practice puts officers at risk and is unacceptable.

