Communications and Political Action

January 11, 2019
Today, approximately 800,000 US federal public service workers will not get paid because of President Trump’s forced, and reckless government shutdown. PSAC President Chris Aylward extended our Union’s solidarity with all Americans during this difficult crisis.   J. David Cox President, American Federation of Government Employees 80 F Street, NW Washington, DC 20001 Dear President Cox,
October 1, 2018
We live, work, and play in the National Capital Region. We expect to be safe. ​Several government heating plants provide heat through miles and miles of tunnels,  that are under  our feet right now, to nearly 100 buildings in the area. The federal government wants corporations  that  are only looking to turn a profit – including those with a reputation of corruption and mismanagement  – to take over those heating plants. This is reckless and could  threaten your safety.
August 27, 2018
PSAC-CIU has successfully challenged a Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) decision that prevented Border Service Officers from showing solidarity with their bargaining team. In the fall of 2017, the officers began wearing orange shoelaces at work to demonstrate support for their bargaining team. Tensions developed when employees started to wear them as hair ties and bracelets, as well as lanyards. CBSA responded by barring the officers from wearing the shoelaces anywhere but on their shoes. 
June 22, 2018
PSAC’s Technical Services group include federal public service employees who hold skilled technical positions such as engineering and scientific support positions, technical inspectors, enforcement workers, designers, and illustrators.
June 22, 2018
Operational Services (SV) group proposals at-a-glance
June 22, 2018
The EB group includes employees responsible for education, education support and library services. The EB bargaining team exchanged bargaining proposals with the employer last May, tabling group-specific demands that include pay and allowances, travel time, overtime, professional development, leave and hours of work and prep time.
May 11, 2018
The Supreme Court of Canada has confirmed that sections in Quebec’s pay equity law reinforce pay discrimination and are unconstitutional. “This decision clearly states that pay inequities based on gender are a violation of women’s rights under section 15 of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms,” said PSAC National President Chris Aylward. “It also provides the federal government with a useful roadmap to drafting a new federal, proactive pay equity law.”
April 26, 2018
You have the right to be paid correctly and on-time and, if you are not, you have the right to file a grievance. Filing a grievance is an important procedural step that protects your right to have the dispute resolved by the Federal Public Service Labour Relations and Employment Board. It also means the employer must meet with you and your union representative.
February 23, 2018

