Communications and Political Action

August 5, 2020
PSAC has successfully reached an agreement with Treasury Board that preserves many of the working conditions for RCMP civilian members (CMs). The memorandum of understanding (MOU) also opens negotiations to resolve the differences between the terms and conditions of employment of CMs and their pay-matched counterparts in the federal public service.  
July 22, 2020
//--> */ /*-->*/ Expand all / Collapse all Treasury Board’s PA group tentative agreement 
July 9, 2020
PSAC has reached a tentative agreement that provides fair wages, no concessions, and improved working conditions for the 70,000 members of the PA group.
June 26, 2020
The government released its guidelines for federal public service workers to return to the office as COVID-19 restrictions begin to ease.
June 23, 2020
Our FB bargaining team met with Canada Border Services Agency/Treasury Board last month in virtual contract talks. Our team was scheduled to meet with them again in July, but the Treasury Board negotiator assigned to the FB bargaining unit is no longer representing the employer. Consequently, our dates for next month have been postponed while a new negotiator is assigned by Treasury Board. We have notified the employer that our team is prepared to schedule dates during the summer once a new negotiator is assigned.  We’ll provide an update once we have more information.
June 9, 2020
PSAC has filed an application to intervene in the constitutional challenge against Quebec’s discriminatory religious symbols legislation, Bill 21, which infringes on the human rights of PSAC members and Quebec public service workers. 
June 3, 2020
More than a year has passed since the final report of the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls. Many are frustrated by the government’s inaction, even though Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said on the anniversary that ending this national tragedy is an urgent priority for his government.
June 2, 2020
The claims process is now open for members of National Defence and the Canadian Armed Forces who have endured harassment, assault and discrimination in their workplace.  PSAC welcomes this significant class action victory that could impact many PSAC members.  
May 14, 2020
PSAC/CIU Border Services members continue to play a pivotal role in Canada’s response to COVID-19, repatriating Canadians returning home from abroad and screening travellers at the border. Despite their ongoing efforts, CBSA management still refuses to make meaningful progress towards a new collective agreement for more than 9,000 border services officers, investigators and headquarters staff.
May 8, 2020
Chris Aylward, National President, and Magali Picard, National Executive Vice-President, will host a series of telephone town halls on May 13th and 14th to connect with members and update them on the union's work to protect and support its members during the pandemic. Telephone town halls will be 30 minutes each. Members are invited to participate by calling-in using the information below or joining the online audio stream at the time their regional town hall begins.

