June 10

Victory: University of Ontario Institute of Technology invigilators join PSAC

Over 200 invigilators at the UOIT in Oshawa, Ontario, are now PSAC members.

June 10

Les méfaits de la privatisation soulignés dans une nouvelle vidéo

L'Alliance de la Fonction publique du Canada (AFPC) et l'Union canadienne des employés des transports (UCET), un de ses Éléments, ont produit une vidéo qui présente les conséquences néfastes de la privatisation à grande échelle d'infrastructures publiques essentielles.

June 10

New video highlights risks of privatization

Working together, the Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC) and its component union, the Union of Canadian Transportation Employees (UCTE), have produced a video to highlight the negative outcomes of the full-scale privatization of critical public infrastructure.

June 7

National Public Service Week: You deserve a fair contract and Phoenix settlement

This year's National Public Service Week is happening while 140,000 PSAC members are fighting to reach fair collective agreements and proper compensation for the Phoenix disaster.

June 6

Pride month: Wayne's story

Throughout the month of June, we will be highlighting the lives and achievement of PSAC activists in the LGBTQ2+ community.


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