June 3

New federal accessibility law and accessibility strategy mark important steps forward for people with disabilities

The long-awaited federal law on accessibility for people with disabilities, the Accessible Canada Act (Bill C-81), has finally passed in the legislature and will soon be made law.

In addition to the new law, the federal government recently released its Federal Public Service Accessibility Strategy, which aims to improve access and remove barriers for workers with disabilities in the public service.

June 3

L’équipe de Parcs Canada avance ses revendications

Il y a eu des progrès à la table de négociation du 28 au 30 mai lorsque l’équipe de l’AFPC a rencontré les représentants de Parcs Canada à Ottawa. 

Le syndicat a discuté d’enjeux importants comme la santé mentale en milieu de travail et l’amélioration du congé de maternité et du congé parental, tout en insistant sur la parité avec l’administration publique centrale. Il a aussi été question de l’amélioration des conditions d’emploi des gardes de parc, des services de garde et de l’adhésion au Conseil national mixte.

June 3

Parks bargaining team advances demands

Progress was made at the Parks Canada bargaining table last week. PSAC’s Parks negotiating team met with the employer from May 28 to 30 in Ottawa.

The team continued to push for demands that would establish parity with the core public administration and discussed important issues such as mental health in the workplace and improvements to maternity / parental leave. Additional topics discussed this week included improvements to Park Wardens’ terms and conditions of employment, child care and joining the National Joint Council.

June 1

Victimes des ratés de Phénix, les membres de l’AFPC visent toujours une indemnisation et des ententes justes et équitables

Les ententes de principe conclues par certains syndicats avec le Conseil du Trésor cette semaine n’empêcheront pas les membres de l’AFPC qui travaillent pour le gouvernement fédéral et ses organismes de chercher à obtenir une entente juste et équitable, affirme le président national de l’AFPC, Chris Aylward.

June 1

PSAC continues pursuit of fair collective agreements and proper compensation for Phoenix

The tentative collective agreement settlements reached by the federal Treasury Board with some federal unions this week will not stand in the way of proper compensation for PSAC members who work for the federal government and its agencies, said PSAC National President Chris Aylward.

June 1

L’AFPC-SEI vise toujours un contrat de travail juste et équitable avec l’ARC

« Les ententes de principe conclues par certains syndicats avec le Conseil du Trésor et l’Agence du revenu du Canada (ARC) cette semaine n’empêcheront pas les membres de l’AFPC-SEI qui travaillent à l’ARC de chercher à obtenir une entente juste et équitable », affirme Chris Aylward, président national de l’Alliance de la Fonction publique du Canada (AFPC).

June 1

PSAC-UTE continue pursuit of a fair collective agreement with the CRA

“The tentative collective agreement settlements reached by the federal Treasury Board and the Canada Revenue Agency with some federal unions this week will not stand in the way of proper compensation for PSAC-UTE members who work for the CRA”, says PSAC National President Chris Aylward.

“Negotiations with the CRA are at impasse and, despite the Agency’s objections, the Federal Public Sector Labour Relations and Employment Board is establishing a Public Interest Commission to review the positions of the parties and make recommendations”, says UTE National President Marc Brière.

May 31

Rise in Pride with PSAC!

June is Pride month and a time to celebrate how far we’ve come in achieving LGBTQ2+ rights in the workplace and in our communities. It is also a time to reflect and strengthen our resolve to fight back against injustices at home and abroad.

End the Blood Ban

PSAC continues to be a strong voice in urging the federal government to commit to their election promise and put an end to the ban on blood, organ and bone marrow donations from many LGBTQ2+ people, especially queer men and trans women.


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