PSAC welcomes powerful report of inquiry on missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls
The Public Service Alliance of Canada welcomes and is encouraged by the final report of the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls.
The report, released in a special ceremony on June 3, has called the violence against Indigenous women and girls a “Canadian genocide” and includes extensive recommendations aimed at government, the police, and the Canadian public.
L’AFPC félicite le gouvernement de la Colombie-Britannique d’avoir amélioré les normes d’emploi et rétabli l’équité dans le code du travail
L’Alliance de la Fonction publique du Canada applaudit le gouvernement de la Colombie-Britannique pour sa décision d’apporter à la loi sur les normes d’emploi et au code du travail des modifications attendues de longue date qui auront un réel effet positif sur la vie des travailleuses, des travailleurs et de leurs familles partout dans la province.
June 3
PSAC congratulates BC government on making positive changes to employment standards and restoring fairness to provincial labour code
The Public Service Alliance of Canada applauds the BC government for making long overdue changes to British Columbia’s Employment Standards Act and the BC Labour Code that will make a real, positive difference to workers and their families across the province.