August 31

L'AFPC et le gouvernement retournent à la table de négociation pour conclure une entente avant les élections

L’AFPC retourne à la table de négociation pour le groupe PA ce dimanche 1er septembre.

May 31

Parks Canada members sign new collective agreement

After a long but successful round of bargaining, the Parks Canada new collective agreement will be signed today.

Parks Canada members voted to ratify the agreement  on April 27.

The new four-year collective agreement, which expires August 4, 2018, includes an updated definition of ‘family’, improved leave provisions, improved member protections, unchanged sick leave, and monetary compensation for members.

Equity Activists, Women and Young workers Delegate Application Form

The Bargaining Conference brings together members to discuss and prioritize issues for bargaining with your Employer. The participation of all groups in collective bargaining is critical and we encourage equity activists, young workers, women and RWC members to consider participating at the bargaining conferences.

Please submit your application before September 13th to be considered for the upcoming bargaining conference.

Note: Fields marked with an * are required.

May 16

Journée internationale de lutte contre l’homophobie, la transphobie et la biphobie

L’AFPC est déterminée à promouvoir les droits des personnes gaies, lesbiennes, bisexuelles et transgenres au Canada. Nous travaillons pour éliminer l’homophobie et la transphobie des milieux de travail. 

May 16

International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia

PSAC is committed to advancing the rights of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people in Canada. We work to eradicate homophobia and transphobia in the workplace.

November 14

What would childcare look like if the government really cared?


April 18

Groupe FB : la lutte pour un régime de retraite équitable se poursuit

Ces membres effectuent un travail difficile et exigeant sur le plan physique et les risques qu’ils courent sont très semblables à ceux d’autres membres des forces de l’ordre. Pourtant, ils n’ont pas droit aux mêmes prestations de retraite anticipée.

April 18

The fight for equitable retirement benefits for FB members

CBSA law enforcement personnel work in demanding and physically challenging roles, and face similar physical demands and risks, yet are not afforded the same retirement benefits as their counterparts in other law enforcement agencies.

April 16

Budget 2024 : des investissements prometteurs pour rendre la vie plus abordable, mais des coupes préoccupantes

L'AFPC se réjouit du soutien apporté aux Canadiennes et aux Canadiens touchés par la crise de l'accessibilité financière dans le budget 2024, mais s'inquiète du projet de suppression de 5 000 emplois dans la fonction publique fédérale.
April 16

Budget 2024: Promising investments in affordability, but public service cuts concerning

PSAC welcomes support for Canadians impacted by the affordability crisis in Budget 2024, but raises concerns about plan to cut 5,000 federal public service jobs.


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