Common Issues

July 16, 2024
As preparations continue for the next round of Treasury Board bargaining, PSAC will host a series of national virtual town halls to provide guidance for members on how to draft effective bargaining demands. 
July 4, 2024
The Public Service Alliance of Canada’s National Board of Directors has made the decision to withdraw from the federal government’s meetings on the implementation of the Direction on prescribed presence in the workplace over a lack of real consultation and the government’s unilateral change to a three-day in-office mandate. 
May 28, 2024
Remote work has transformed the way we work forever — providing Canada’s federal government with the opportunity to lead the way and reap the benefits. This isn’t just about tweaking our daily routines; it’s about a profound opportunity to shape the future of work and Canada at the same time.
April 29, 2024
PSAC cannot substantiate rumours circulating in the media this week that the federal government plans to increase its mandate to three days in the office per week for federal public service workers.
December 18, 2023
A joint committee consisting of representatives from PSAC and Treasury Board met for the first time last week to discuss modernizing the Directive on Telework. This meeting laid the groundwork for what future meetings will look like during this year-long consultation process.  
November 17, 2023
As part of the last round of negotiations for 155,000 federal public service workers, PSAC secured stronger remote work language that protects workers from arbitrary decisions from the employer.
September 27, 2023
PSAC set October 31, 2023, six months after the end of the strike, as the deadline for both strike pay error reports and the May 1st / May 4th compensation requests to be received by PSAC.
June 23, 2023
The federal government has ratified the collective agreements for PSAC-UTE members working at Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) and in the Treasury Board PA, TC, SV, and EB bargaining units. 
June 6, 2023
Together, more than 155,000 PSAC members led the fight for better remote work protections during this round of negotiations – and we won. The gains you made by taking strike action will benefit not just PSAC members, but all workers in Canada.  
May 17, 2023
Ratification votes for PSAC members in the four Treasury Board groups will begin on May 24 and end on June 16 at noon ET.  
