Common Issues

August 11, 2022
Building a stronger public service and providing workers with cost-of-living wage increases benefits local economies and helps fight the impacts of inflation driven by many of Canada’s wealthiest corporations, according to new publications from l’Institut de recherche et d’informations socioéconomique.
July 5, 2022
PSAC’s fight for a fair deal is progressing as a federal labour board last week moved to establish a Public Interest Commission (PIC) to help advance negotiations for 120,000 PSAC members.
June 22, 2022
I work in trades in the Operational Services (SV) group. When I think about good jobs, I immediately think of good morale in the workplace. But morale has never been so low in our departments, as my colleagues and I have been watching our jobs go to the private sector.  
June 7, 2022
This Indigenous History Month, join PSAC members from across treaty and unceded territories in a panel moderated by Lorraine Rousseau, regional executive vice-president for the North, to talk about bargaining demands that support Indigenous members, and how we can work together to advance Indigenous workers’ rights at the bargaining table.
May 18, 2022
After nearly a year of negotiations with Treasury Board, we made the difficult decision to declare impasse for more than 120,000 of our members in the PA, SV, TC and EB groups.
May 17, 2022
Negotiations are reaching a pivotal moment as Treasury Board continued to stall at the bargaining table with the Education and Library Science (EB) bargaining team May 11-12, 2022.
May 16, 2022
Talks are close to breaking off as Treasury Board yet again failed to address our key issues during negotiations with the Technical Services bargaining team May 10-12.
May 6, 2022
Negotiations at the PA table are nearing the breaking point after Treasury Board presented their comprehensive offer on April 28 rife with concessions and which fails to respond to most of the PA team’s key demands.
April 21, 2022
As Treasury Board bargaining nears a breaking point, join our national panelists to discuss the latest bargaining news, why strong mobilization is more important than ever, and how other PSAC members have taken strike action to win important victories during the pandemic.
April 8, 2022
I think the government should not lose sight of the fact that federal public service employees, who worked tirelessly through the pandemic, deserve pay raises that are adjusted to the cost of living.

