PSAC has received the Public Interest Commission (PIC) report affecting more than 10,000 members in the SV group. Hearings concluded in November and unfortunately, similar to the TC PIC report, the report provides no clear direction other than a recommendation that both parties return to the bargaining table. 

Read the PIC report

The report confirms what we have been saying for over a year since bargaining began in June 2021: If Treasury Board wants a deal, then they need to come to the table with a mandate that properly addresses wages and market adjustments.  

Real power of bargaining is with members   

Strike votes will be conducted from February 22 to April 19, 2023 and after the conclusion of PIC reports for the EB and PA bargaining groups PSAC would be in a legal position to take strike action if the membership has voted in favour of doing so. 

Register for upcoming SV group townhalls    

National virtual townhall meetings are being held for PSAC members in Treasury Board bargaining groups. Register for SV townhall meetings taking place on January 31, February 1, and February 2. 

Stay informed and engaged  

Keep your contact information up to date to receive all latest bargaining updates. 

