PSAC announces newly elected Regional Executive Vice-Presidents

PSAC members have gathered at regional conventions across the country over the past two months to chart the path forward for our regions and elect PSAC’s Regional Executive Vice-Presidents, who sit on the Alliance Executive Committee (AEC) and give a national voice to members.

The Alliance Executive Committee consists of the National President, the National Executive Vice-President and seven Regional Executive Vice-Presidents. The AEC is responsible for the day-to-day financial decisions of the union, overseeing campaigns, mobilizing members, defending members and preserving the rights of the union and its members in the workplace.

The AEC forms part of PSAC’s National Board of Directors (NBoD) who, along with the presidents of the 15 PSAC components, drive major program and policy decisions for the union.

Meet PSAC’s Alliance Executive Committee: 

June 20, 2023