Alex Silas, National Executive Vice-President

Alex Silas was elected as PSAC National Executive Vice-President at PSAC’s 20th National Triennial Convention in May 2024. He previously served as Regional Executive Vice-President for the National Capitol Region from 2020 to 2024.  

Born in Moncton, New Brunswick, and proudly Acadian, Alex has lived in Ottawa since 2003. Alex attended La Cité Collégiale for the Police Foundations Program. 

He first became a member of PSAC in 2010 when he was hired at the Bank of Canada as a Security Officer, and became a shop steward, then vice-president, for Directly Chartered Local 71250. He has served on various regional committees such as the Young Workers’ Committee, the Ottawa Area Council, and the Directly Chartered Local Committee, and was elected as a Member-At-Large in 2018 on the PSAC-NCR Regional Council. 

Alex is the first member of a directly chartered local to serve as National Executive Vice-President, and became the youngest member of PSAC’s National Board of Directors in PSAC’s history. 

June 28, 2021