Every worker’s job and situation are unique, and a cookie cutter approach to telework can’t be applied to Canada’s diverse public service. Overwhelming evidence proves that telework improves work-life balance and increases productivity for workers.

The government’s misguided decision to mandate federal public service workers into the office at least three days per week blatantly disregards their well-being and violates their collective bargaining rights.

This decision was made without any consultation with unions or workers, and flies in the face of the telework agreement PSAC negotiated in the last round of bargaining.  

It’s time to fight back.

Demand the government repeal the three-day in-office mandate.
Share your experience and how you’re willing to fight back.
Hold the government accountable for violating the agreement on telework.
Placcards, social media and virtual backgrounds
PSAC national president
Learn about PSAC National President Sharon DeSousa's vision for the future.
We have answers to some of the most common telework questions.
Missed our townhall? Watch it here

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