Survey shows strong support for remote work as productivity in the federal public service climbs 

Remote work isn’t just convenient, it’s common sense. And PSAC's research proves it. Survey results from PSAC, in partnership with spark*insights, show 81% of Canadians believe remote work is good for workers, and two-thirds say it boosts productivity. 

Statistics Canada data drives this point home. Productivity in the federal public service grew by 4.5% between 2019 and 2023 — far outpacing the private sector, all while working remotely. Despite the unprecedented chaos of the pandemic, productivity has been trending upward, proving beyond a doubt that flexible work isn’t holding us back, it’s pushing us forward.

“The numbers don’t lie. Remote work delivers better outcomes across the board,” said Sharon DeSousa, PSAC National President. “The notion that remote work hinders productivity is just plain wrong – and the federal government openly admits they've done no research on productivity.” 

Key highlights  

  • Most employed Canadians (66%) are part of organizations that embrace flexible work options, with 38% working remotely and 28% encouraged to do as much work remotely as possible. Among Canadians under 30, 78% are in workplaces that embrace flexibility and remote work.  

  • Four out of five (81%) Canadians believe remote work is beneficial for employees, and two out of three (66%) believe it improves organizational productivity. Respondents expressed that remote work fosters creativity, passion, happiness, and enthusiasm among employees, with two-thirds highlighting increased efficiency, improved focus, and better concentration.  

  • When asked about the ideal approach for future work settings, 63% of respondents favored maintaining flexibility for managers and workers to make tailored decisions for each workplace, while 22% supported maximizing remote work opportunities. Only 15% endorsed the idea of predominantly on-site work.  

View the full survey

Although modest differences were observed based on political leanings, the survey indicated strong support across party lines for flexible work arrangements. Younger people show more enthusiasm towards remote work, but the consensus across all age groups and political affiliations was the same.   

“When federal public service workers are trusted to choose how and where they work best, they thrive — and so does the public service,” added DeSousa. “It’s time for the government to stop ignoring the facts and start aligning its policies with what we all know is true: the future of work is flexible, and it’s already here. 


October 10, 2024