Collective Bargaining Branch

June 10, 2024
Members employed by Treasury Board work in federal government departments and other parts of the federal public service (For a list of which ones see schedules I and IV of the Financial Administration Act). Treasury board members belong to one of five bargaining units:
June 14, 2021
PSAC has warned the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) that the union may be pursuing legal action after the employer announced — in the middle of contract negotiations — that it intends to change its policy on international escorts for inland enforcement officers.
February 26, 2019
This document represents bargaining proposals of the Public Service Alliance of Canada and the employer for this round of negotiations for Parks Canada Agency. PSAC proposals Employer proposals
June 23, 2016
Starting Friday June 17, our bargaining team spent seven days in negotiations with our employer. At the outset, the Treasury Board team said that that collective bargaining is not an appropriate venue for pension reform and early retirement discussions and that concerns raised by PSAC and CIU should happen elsewhere. Our team made our union’s position clear – we seek a written commitment from both Treasury Board and the CBSA supporting the introduction of a retirement plan that is consistent with what is in place at other law enforcement agencies.
December 10, 2014
Members of your PSAC bargaining team met with Parks Canada Agency and exchanged demands with the employer on December 9, 2014. Amongst the concessions proposed by the employer is an end to accumulated sick leave, the exact same proposal that was given across the Core Public Administration of the Public Service of Canada.
December 10, 2014
The Parks Canada Agency collective agreement expired August 4, 2018.
December 10, 2014
This document represents bargaining proposals of the Public Service Alliance of Canada and the employer for this round of negotiations for Parks Canada Agency. PSAC proposals PSAC child care demand Employer proposals
December 3, 2014
Over 4,000 members work at CFIA. They perform a wide variety of jobs, including meat, poultry and produce inspection. They monitor and audit the federally regulated inspection programs of the food industry in Canada and enforce federal laws. Our members at the CFIA also run the offices, maintain the equipment and buildings, and carry out the administrative work of the CFIA. The unit falls under the Public Service Labour Relations Act.
July 8, 2014
Bargaining proposals of the Public Service Alliance of Canada for this round of negotiations for the Border Services group (FB).
