March 1

PSAC and USJE to represent RCMP Civilian Members

RCMP Civilian Members will be able to rely on PSAC and the Union of Safety and Justice Employees (USJE) for representation in workplace disputes beginning March 1, 2021. 
March 1

Phoenix general damages: Did you receive the correct amount?

PSAC members will receive their Phoenix general damages in one lump sum payment on March 3 with their regular pay and it will be taxed at source. PSAC is deeply disappointed with the government’s decision to move ahead without a decision from CRA on taxability and continues to pursue the issue with CRA directly. We have also raised the recurring issue of not separating special payments from regular pay – as was recently the case with retro payments.

February 26

Budget fédéral 2021 : le Canada doit se donner les moyens de bâtir un avenir meilleur

En réponse aux consultations menées par le ministère des Finances sur son budget, l’AFPC a publié un mémoire dans lequel elle recommande au gouvernement de mettre en place des programmes et des investissements qui permettront aux Canadiennes et Canadiens de trouver un avenir meilleur et plus stable au sortir de la pandémie.

February 26

Congrès régionaux 2021 : dernières nouvelles

Les toutes dernières nouvelles au sujet des congrès régionaux sont affichées sur le site Web de chaque région.

February 26

Budget 2021 must move Canada forward to a better future

In our submission to the Ministry of Finance’s consultation on the 2021 Budget, the Public Service Alliance of Canada made recommendations that the Government of Canada put in place programs and investments that will ensure that Canadians come out of the pandemic with a brighter, more secure future.

February 26

2021 Regional Conventions: Latest updates

The latest convention updates are available on PSAC’s regional websites.

February 24

Le gouvernement pénalise de nouveau les victimes de Phénix

L’AFPC a appris que le gouvernement fédéral entend bel et bien prélever de l’impôt du dédommagement Phénix le 3 mars et qu’il ne fournira pas à l’Agence du revenu du Canada (ARC) l’information dont elle a besoin pour déterminer si le montant est effectivement imposable. 

February 24

Government moves to deny Phoenix victims full compensation

PSAC has been informed that the federal government plans to move forward with taxing Phoenix general damages on March 3rd and that they will not provide the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) with information they requested in order to revisit their initial opinion on taxability.

April 8

L’AFPC entame les pourparlers sur le Régime de soins de santé de la fonction publique

L’AFPC lance une nouvelle ronde de négociations avec le Conseil du Trésor pour actualiser et renforcer le Régime de soins de santé de la fonction publique.

April 8

PSAC begins talks to improve the Public Service Health Care Plan

PSAC is launching a new round of negotiations with Treasury Board to update and strengthen the Public Service Health Care Plan.


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