October 29

Changes to pay equity begin for federal public service workers

PSAC won a landmark pay equity victory for federal public service workers in 1999 that paved the way for more than 230,000 workers – mainly in women-dominated positions – to receive retroactive salary adjustments totaling over $3.6 billion. Members also secured ongoing pay adjustments to provide equal pay for work of equal value.

Despite this historic victory, women today still do not receive equal pay for work of equal value. The new federal Pay Equity Act is meant to address this ongoing inequity, and union members play a vital role in this process.

October 29

29 octobre : date limite pour soumettre votre preuve de vaccination

On rappelle à tous nos membres qui travaillent pour l’administration publique centrale qu’ils ont jusqu’au 29 octobre pour soumettre à l’employeur leur attestation de vaccination.
October 29

DEADLINE: submit vaccination attestation by Oct 29

PSAC wants to remind all our members in the core federal public administration that the deadline set by the employer to submit your vaccination attestation is Friday, October 29.
October 28

L’AFPC accueille le nouveau Conseil des ministres

Le premier ministre Trudeau a dévoilé son nouveau Conseil des ministres qui l’aideront à réaliser ses promesses électorales. Leurs décisions toucheront les membres de l’AFPC, particulièrement ceux et celles qui travaillent à la fonction publique fédérale.

October 28

PSAC welcomes new cabinet ministers 

Prime Minister Trudeau has named his new cabinet, responsible for carrying out the new government’s election promises.Their decisions will impact all PSAC members, particularly those employed in the federal public service.  

October 28

FAQ : Vaccination obligatoire

Information sur les politiques de vaccination des employeurs pour les membres qui travaillent ailleurs qu’au gouvernement fédéral


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