Workforce Adjustment

For PSAC members in the core public service

Workforce adjustment occurs when the federal government decides certain indeterminate positions are no longer needed due to factors like a lack of work, the discontinuation of a function, an employee's decision not to relocate, or an alternative delivery initiative. This process is often prompted by government cutbacks.  

Protections for affected employees are outlined in the Workforce Adjustment Appendix (WFAA), a critical component of Treasury Board and Agency collective agreements. Established after PSAC's 1991 national strike, the WFAA has been expanded and enhanced through successive rounds of collective bargaining. 

The WFAA represents PSAC's commitment to safeguarding job security and supporting members through changes in the workplace. It acknowledges the importance of stable employment to members’ financial security, work life balance, and mental health. 

A resource to help you navigate the workforce adjustment process.
Your collective agreement rights and protections during workforce adjustment.
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Answers to the common questions about workforce adjustment.
Key terms and definitions to help you understand the workforce adjustment appendix.
A step-by-step guide to understanding workforce adjustment in the federal public service.

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