PSAC files policy grievance to halt layoffs at IRCC 

PSAC has filed a policy grievance against Treasury Board over Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada’s (IRCC) failure to follow the Workforce Adjustment Appendix when implementing its Voluntary Departure Program. 

PSAC and component unions representing workers at IRCC — the Canada Employment and Immigration Union and Union of National Employees — have serious concerns about the department’s mishandling of workforce reductions as the department pushes ahead with its plan to cut 3,300 jobs

Some affected employees were misled to believe a Voluntary Departure Program was in place, yet IRCC failed to properly establish it through the required consultation process. The department also refused to provide staff reduction targets before launching the program, as required under the collective agreement, preventing the union from ensuring it is applied fairly and preventing our members from having access to information that may inform their decision about whether to participate in the program. 

Making matters worse, IRCC is limiting eligibility to the program to workers impacted by workforce adjustment in the first year and excluding those slated for layoffs in years two and three of the plan. This directly violates the Workforce Adjustment Appendix, which requires all affected employees in units of five or more at the same group and level to be given the option to participate. 

PSAC calls for IRCC to temporarily suspend workforce adjustment  

In response, PSAC has filed a grievance demanding that workforce adjustment be suspended until IRCC provides the required reduction targets. The union is also calling for the Voluntary Departure Program to be made available to all affected employees, not just those facing immediate cuts. 

IRCC workers are essential to the processing of Canada’s immigration and citizenship programs, including permanent and temporary residency applications, issuing passports, and ensuring Canada can attract the talent needed to strengthen our economy.  

Our union will continue to fight back against these reckless job cuts and hold the employer accountable for its failure to respect our members’ collective agreement rights. 


March 6, 2025