@psacnat Bureaucrats & managers that don't know the system decided they knew better.
@KatePorterCBC @psacnat the system is as onerous as the previous system; but only 1/4 staff handling workload #cdnpoli
RT @TVAgatineau: Gouvernement fédéral : réunion d'urgence pour régler le problème Phénix
RT @AmelieDesmarais: Ottawa réaffecte 7 fonctionnaires de Shawi et en embauchera 7 autres pour palier aux ratés du service de paie Phenix #rcma
RT @KatePorterCBC: In Miramichi yesterday, Lemay says they thanked compensation employees for work, and reiterated they weren't responsible for #Phoenix probs
RT @KatePorterCBC: Despite #Phoenix planning, PSPC didn't expect 40,000 backlog of pay transactions, underestimated empl. comfort w/ new self-serve system
RT @doraleemememe: @psacnat convenient They also keep saying it's students/parttimers/staff coming off leave. I was NONE of those & randomly not paid twice
In April, PSAC asked govt not to implement phase 2 #Phoenix. DM is saying there were few problems at that time
@psacnat @psacprairies @judy_foote @scottbrison @CBCNews @laura_payton UNION ADVISED them! Can't wait 4 union to speak. #PhoenixFalling
Ns avons averti le gouv plusieurs fois qu'il y aurait de nombreux problèmes, mais ils ont refusé de ns écouté #ArrangezPhenix #polcan
@psacnat convenient They also keep saying it's students/parttimers/staff coming off leave. I was NONE of those & randomly not paid twice
En comité parlementaire, le gouv admet qu'ils ont sous-estimés les problèmes du système de paye #ArrangezPhenix #polcan
They seem to forget that we flagged the problems and asked them to slow down. They ignored us. #FixPhoenix
@psacnat someone waiting 10 months (Jan-Oct) for any pay is beyond criminal. Not even close to good enough here
Donna Lackie, présidente national du synd des services gouv, AFPC, témoignera auj devant le comité parlementaire sur Phénix #ArrangezPhenix
Govt has now published the Priority schedule for resolving employee pay issues #FixPhoenix
RT @Bretooo: Donna Lackie, National Pres of Gov Services Union, PSAC, will testify today in front of the committee on Phoenix. Stay tuned #FixPhoenix