Marie Lemay met en lumière que l'AFPC a aidé à déceler les prob entourant Phénix. Coup de main aussi pr recruter + de conseillers à la paye
@psacnat they don't have to look far. Where are those fully trained, experienced advisors?
@KellyMcCauleyMP @psacnat our members brought this up for a year with pay issues at the start of PSPC in Aug 2015. PWGSC just started convo
@psacnat Weren't 2000 let go because of Phoenix and centralization? Or am I mistaken?
@psacnat Is this what you would call a catch22 or running in circles? #ESL #FixPhoenix
@psacnat just called them & I had to go on faith that it is trusted source. They have no access to system & take your PRI, email, etc.
RT @TPSGC_PWGSC: Notre graphique et site web pour y trouver le calendrier de résolution des problèmes de paye
Vous avez des questions sur le système de paye Phénix? Visitez #ArrangezPhenix #polcan
@psacnat I called there yesterday, lady told me to use the feedback form on website. Did that. Got email today saying to call pay centre??
@psacnat that means they did not do their job!!! The task was to tell IBM exactly what the software must do! #FixPhoenix
@psacnat funny they were able to delay implementing Phoenix for DND members pays but not for civilian.
Erin Weir asks about a similar problem with IBM in Queensland Australia. No clear answer #FixPhoenix