@KINGUNENEVP @laura_payton @psacnat @CBCKatie Most of the assertions so far have been hollow! Like 'lack of training' Just #FixPhenix!
@larryrousseau @CBCKatie @psacnat I still think its the computer programming, and the glitches in pay interface #cdnpoli @laura_payton
@psacnat No kidding! Like Plan, plan, and plan, and test, test, and test, and if it still don't work, TRASH! #FixPhenix!
@psacnat And employees PLEASE SPEAK UP When u are NOT PAID!!!! #phoenixFalling #FixPhoenix #Phoenix #phoenixfailing
@stephen_taylor @psacnat "Hasn't paid" falls under gov't incompetence. Want high tech?Pay price.My IT professional son in disbelief at this
RT @CanadianLabour: Canada's mayors have a role to play addressing systemic racism in policing
@psacnat Hind sight is always 20/20. As long as it's fixed ASAP & employees paid ASAP that's most important. Again thank MEDIA & UNION!!!
RT @larryrousseau: @CBCKatie @psacnat And mucho mucho more millions yet to come to fix this boondoggle! #FixPhenix! Stop blaming staff and lack of training!
@CBCKatie @psacnat And mucho mucho more millions yet to come to fix this boondoggle! #FixPhenix! Stop blaming staff and lack of training!
@psacnat @bcbluecon @CBCKatie Thanks. Emerg. payments always existed. Was it guaranteed in your pre implementation consultations?
RT @larryrousseau: @canpoliticsrr October??? in your dreams, your wildest dreams! #FixPhenix! Plan and fix the system first, then set deadlines! @psacnat
@laura_payton "they would have done it differently? "a hollow assertion indeed"... #fixphoenix @psacnat @CBCKatie
@canpoliticsrr October??? in your dreams, your wildest dreams! #FixPhenix! Plan and fix the system first, then set deadlines! @psacnat
"If we had to do it again, we would do it differently", says PSPC about #Phoenix. #PheonixFalling #FixPhoenix
@psacprairies @psacnat @CBCKatie @laura_payton Deputy minister is correct that employees NEED 2 SPEAK up if not being paid. She is correct