@CBCKatie @StephAubry_GF Does that make sense? How can you open a case if youre not security-cleared? How can you sort cases? @psacnat
@GJBurke @bcbluecon @CBCKatie here are just some of the things we have been doing
RT @AshleyBurkeCBC: Gov't creating temp regional hubs in Winnipeg, Montreal and Shawinigan where compensation experts will work on #Phoenix backlog
RT @AshleyBurkeCBC: Gov't will set up claims process to reimburse workers for out-of-pocket expenses they incurred for inaccurate or missing pay #Pheonix
RT @CBCPolitics: LIVE | Senior bureaucrats to address prolonged Phoenix payroll mess. #cdnpoli #hw
RT @happylou12: @psacnat @PSACNCR @ChrisAylwardVP @JudyFooteMP has failed to deliver on her Ministerial Mandate.We need real change to #FixPhoenix #cdnpoli
@psacnat @PSACNCR @ChrisAylwardVP @JudyFooteMP has failed to deliver on her Ministerial Mandate.We need real change to #FixPhoenix #cdnpoli
PSPC will give update on #Phoenix and #GoC pay issues today at 11:00 am EDT live streaming on their Facebook page.
@psacnat Exactly. Former ADM Jolicoeur has been retired since 2014.
@60011Miramichi It is our members that are being penalized while executives get bonuses and awards
@psacnat The senior bureaucrats responsible are still employed. We wouldn't set the focus on this person.
They gave her an award for #Phoenix? Where's Ms Renee Jolicoeur now? Kill Phoenix NOW! UNPAID=STOP WORKING @psacnat