A majority of the 5,000 Parks Canada members voted in favour of a collective agreement that advances key issues for members, after a particularly challenging round of bargaining that began over a year ago. While we had hoped to have the agreement signed shortly after ratification, due to unforeseen circumstances, the agreement has yet to be signed.  

Part of our strategy as a union was to make sure that we took the quickest route to ratify this agreement so that members on the frontlines from coast to coast to coast would benefit from the fight to reach a fair agreement.  We continue to advance our members’ interests, despite the delays in signing. 

We are working with the employer to find a way that ensures all eligible Parks Canada members—particularly the majority who are term workers—receive the one-time lump sum payment of $2,500 that we negotiated at the table, despite the delays. We will provide more updates on this matter in the coming days. 

Stay connected  

  • Read this FAQ about Parks Canada Agency bargaining. 
  • Make sure you receive all the latest news about bargaining with the Parks Canada Agency by keeping your contact information up to date. 

For questions contact your local PSAC regional office, Union of National Employees (UNE) local, or Union of Canadian Transportation Employees (UCTE) local.
