June 27

Parks Canada bargaining team reaches tentative agreement

After a week in mediation to make concrete gains for more than 5,000 Parks members across the country, the Parks Canada bargaining team has reached a tentative agreement that prevents workers from falling further behind and improves job security.

June 28

Groupes PA et TC : conventions collectives signées

L’AFPC et le Conseil du Trésor ont signé les conventions collectives des unités de négociation PA et TC. Les ententes de principe avaient été ratifiées le 16 juin.

June 28

PSAC and Treasury Board sign collective agreements for PSAC members in PA, TC groups

PSAC and Treasury Board representatives have signed the collective agreements for PSAC members in the PA and TC bargaining units. Both agreements were ratified by members on June 16, 2023. We anticipate signing the SV and EB agreements next week.

June 27

Signature de la convention collective des 35 000 membres à l’ARC

L’AFPC‑SEI et l’Agence du revenu du Canada (ARC) ont signé une nouvelle convention collective. L’entente de principe avait été ratifiée le 16 juin.  

June 27

PSAC and CRA sign collective agreements for 35,000 PSAC members

PSAC and Canada Revenue Agency representatives have signed the collective agreements for PSAC-UTE members working at CRA. The agreement was ratified by members on June 16, 2023. 

June 16

FAQ: Treasury Board

Together, more than 155,000 PSAC members led the fight for better remote work protections during this round of negotiations – and we won. You held the line during one of largest national strikes in Canada’s history, and the gains you made by taking strike action will benefit not just PSAC members, but all workers in Canada.  

June 27

Bonification des soins dentaires des fonctionnaires fédéraux : c’est parti!

La Commission des relations de travail vient de statuer que le Conseil du Trésor agit de mauvaise foi en refusant de renégocier le Régime de soins dentaires de la fonction publique (RSDFP). L’AFPC peut maintenant lancer les négociations au nom de plus de 185 000 de ses membres de la fonction publique fédérale. 

June 27

Negotiations begin to improve dental benefits for federal workers

Following a labour board decision that found Treasury Board was acting in bad faith by refusing to come to the table, we have now begun negotiations to improve the Public Service Dental Care Plan (PSDP) for over 185,000 PSAC members.  

June 23

Le gouvernement ratifie les conventions collectives de 155 000 membres de l'AFPC

Le gouvernement a approuvé la convention collective des membres de l’AFPC-SEI à l’Agence du revenu du Canada (ARC), ainsi que celles des groupes PA, TC, SV et EB du Conseil du Trésor.

June 23

Government ratifies collective agreements for 155,000 PSAC members

The federal government has ratified the collective agreements for PSAC-UTE members working at Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) and in the Treasury Board PA, TC, SV, and EB bargaining units. 


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