August 27

PSAC-CIU wins case allowing workers to support their union at work

PSAC-CIU has successfully challenged a Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) decision that prevented Border Service Officers from showing solidarity with their bargaining team.

In the fall of 2017, the officers began wearing orange shoelaces at work to demonstrate support for their bargaining team. Tensions developed when employees started to wear them as hair ties and bracelets, as well as lanyards. CBSA responded by barring the officers from wearing the shoelaces anywhere but on their shoes. 

June 22

Négociations des TC (Services techniques) dépose ses propositions

Enjeux de la négociation en bref du groupe des TC (Services techniques)

June 22

Technical Services (TC) bargaining proposals

PSAC’s Technical Services group include federal public service employees who hold skilled technical positions such as engineering and scientific support positions, technical inspectors, enforcement workers, designers, and illustrators.

June 22

Groupe Services de l’exploitation (SV) dépose ses propositions

Aperçu des enjeux de négociation collective du groupe Services de l’exploitation (SV)

June 22

Groupe Enseignement et Bibliothéconomie (EB) dépose ses propositions

Les membres du groupe EB de l’Alliance de la Fonction publique du Canada sont chargés notamment de l’enseignement et des services liés à l’enseignement et la bibliothéconomie.

June 22

Operational Services (SV) group bargaining proposals

Operational Services (SV) group proposals at-a-glance

June 22

Education and Library Science (EB) group bargaining proposals

The EB group includes employees responsible for education, education support and library services. The EB bargaining team exchanged bargaining proposals with the employer last May, tabling group-specific demands that include pay and allowances, travel time, overtime, professional development, leave and hours of work and prep time.

January 14

Négociations avec l’Agence du revenu du Canada : c’est parti!

L’équipe de négociation de l’AFPC‑SEI, qui représente plus de 33 000 membres à l’Agence du revenu du Canada ayant fourni à la population canadienne un soutien historique en un temps record durant la pandémie, a entamé une nouvelle ronde de négociations du 11 au 13 janvier.

June 20

L’AFPC réclame justice pour les femmes et les filles autochtones

Le 21 juin, Journée nationale des peuples autochtones, l’AFPC distribue des épinglettes en forme de robe rouge. Son but : enjoindre au gouvernement de redynamiser l’Enquête nationale sur les femmes et les filles autochtones disparues et assassinées, et rallier l’opinion publique à la cause.

June 20

Red Dress Campaign

On National Indigenous Peoples Day, June 21, PSAC is distributing Red Dress Pins to raise awareness on the national issue of missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls in Canada, and to urge the government to bolster the efforts of the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls (MMIWG).


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