January 31

Going Forward, Guided by the Past: Black History Month 2020

Black History Month celebrates the rich contributions that people of Caribbean and African descent have made in our society despite their ongoing struggle for equity and social justice. It is a time to recognize the strength and resiliency of Black people in Canada, while we reflect on how we can combat discrimination in our communities.

January 31

Canada Post bargaining: Six demands tabled

Earlier this month, PSAC and its component union UPCE announced that we would head into early negotiations with Canada Post Corporation to reach a new collective agreement before the current one expires in August 2020.

Both parties agreed to enter into this process by submitting a “short list” of six non-contentious issues to be discussed at the negotiating table, including wage increases.

January 28

L’AFPC solidaire des travailleurs et travailleuses de la Co-op de Regina

Environ 800 travailleurs et travailleuses de la raffinerie Co-op de Regina sont en lock-out depuis le 5 décembre après avoir riposté aux efforts de l’employeur d’affaiblir leur régime de retraite.

January 28

PSAC stands with locked-out workers at Federated Co-operatives Limited

Around 800 workers at the Co-op Refinery Complex in Regina have been locked out since December 5 after they stood up against attempts at weakening their pensions.

January 27

Parks Members Head to Public Interest Commission This Week

Parks Canada bargaining team members will head to their Public Interest Commission (PIC) hearings January 27, 28 and 30 in Ottawa. Parks members are one of nine PSAC bargaining units who are moving through the PIC process as negotiations reached an impasse last July.

During the hearings, PSAC will present our proposals for a fair and progressive collective agreement for Parks Canada workers, which includes:

January 24

Le coronavirus et vos droits au travail

À mesure que les signalements de coronavirus (2019-nCoV) se multiplient à travers le monde, les membres de l’AFPC craignent de plus en plus pour leur santé et leur sécurité au travail.

Tous nos membres, y compris ceux en poste à l’étranger, ont le droit de travailler dans des conditions salubres et sécuritaires. Nous publions ce bulletin de santé et sécurité pour qu’ils sachent à quelles protections ils ont droit dans leur milieu de travail. Cette information leur sera utile dans leurs interactions avec l’employeur.

Qu’est-ce que ce coronavirus?

January 24

The Coronavirus and Your Rights at Work

As the number of reported cases of the coronavirus (2019-nCoV) rises worldwide, PSAC members are increasingly concerned for their health and safety at work.

All PSAC members, including our members working abroad, have the right to work in a safe and healthy workplace. The purpose of this health and safety bulletin is to ensure that our members know what their health and safety rights are when dealing with their employer.

January 23

Négos à l’ACIA : On se prépare à passer devant la commission de l’intérêt public

Notre équipe de négociation prépare activement le mémoire qu’elle soumettra lors des audiences de la commission de l’intérêt public les 30 et 31 mars prochains.

January 23

CFIA bargaining: We’re getting ready to make our case at the Public Interest Commission

PSAC’s bargaining team is busy preparing its submission to the Public Interest Commission on behalf of CFIA workers.


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