Les négociations au fédéral font défaut. Il faut régler ça.
April 28
Federal bargaining is broken. It’s time to fix it.
PSAC members who work for the federal government often ask us why it takes so long to negotiate each collective agreement. In other jurisdictions, it takes months, not years, to reach a deal. They ask why they can’t strike when bargaining breaks down but must wait months to apply that pressure. When grievances go to adjudication, why does it take so long to be heard and to get decisions?
April 28
Négociations 101 : En route vers votre prochaine convention
1. Les négociations commencent avec vous
April 28
Bargaining 101: On route to your next contract
We hold bargaining surveys to ask members how we can improve their work life, from work-life balance to decent wages and protections against harassment and discrimination.
April 28
Notre syndicat a le vent en poupe
Aujourd'hui, nous tirons notre force non seulement des fonctionnaires fédéraux, mais de dizaines de milliers d’autres membres provenant de différents secteurs et milieux de travail.
April 28
The growing strength behind our union
Today, our strength comes from not only those same federal public service workers, but tens of thousands of members from different sectors and workplaces across Canada.
April 28
Lettre du président: l’AFPC gagne en force pour affronter l’avenir
Les dernières années ont été difficiles pour la main-d’œuvre canadienne. La pandémie a bouleversé le monde du travail et poussé bien des gens à leurs limites. Aujourd’hui, elle est à blâmer pour la hausse alarmante du coût de la nourriture et des prix à la pompe, et bien des familles peinent à joindre les deux bouts.
April 28
Ces victoires qui nous rendent plus forts
April 28
The victories that make us stronger
Much has been gained for workers in the last few years. With most of our members currently bargaining for better working conditions and pay, we want to highlight the power of mobilization and political action in securing major wins for PSAC’s membership.
April 28
Letter from the President: Our union grows stronger to face the challenges ahead
Workers in Canada haven't had it easy over the past few years. First, the pandemic upended our working lives and pushed many people to the breaking point. Now,it is fuelling alarmingly high grocery bills and rising prices at the gas pumps which has families wondering how they'll make ends meet.