An Experienced Voice for Leadership, Teamwork and Results
From stockroom clerk to union leader
Larry’s career began as a stockroom clerk at the Canadian Labour Congress where he learned about the labour movement by reading the minutes of every District Labour Council meeting. In 1981, he completed night courses to obtain a Certificate in Civil Law at Ottawa University. Shortly after, Larry was elected a shop steward for OPEIU (now COPE) Local 225.
Larry was subsequently hired at Statistics Canada while pursuing an Honour’s Degree in Public Administration, followed by a Master’s Degree in Public Administration. As a proud gay man committed to the LGBTQ2+ movement, Larry started the Union LGBT Working Group at Statistics Canada in 2005 which led to his election as Vice President of PSAC Local 70059.
In 2011, Larry was elected as PSAC’s Regional Executive Vice-President representing 50,000 members in the National Capital Region. He held this position until 2017 when he was elected CLC Executive Vice-President where he has served the labour movement ever since. Larry has effectively lobbied at various levels of government in support of universal, publicly funded pharmacare, long-term care, child care and post-secondary education, labour relations, health and safety, equity issues, and against attacks on union rights and public services.