Team Unite and Larry Rousseau Mutually Endorse One Another!
Over the past number of weeks and months, we have participated in many meetings to introduce ourselves as candidates for the leadership positions of the Canadian Labour Congress. In many town halls, affiliate, and labour council meetings, we have outlined our vision for a renewed CLC. It has become apparent to us that Team Unite, Bea Bruske, Lily Chang and Siobhan Vipond, share the values and priorities with the current Executive Vice-President incumbent, Larry Rousseau.
In discussions with one another, we have agreed to mutually endorse one another for the leadership positions of the CLC. We believe that all four of us bring strong labour principles, energy and the desire to strengthen our movement. We invite you to join us as we re-engage workers, affiliates, federations of labour and labour councils to build a strong and united labour movement that fights for the kind of Canada that we all want to live in.