Public service bargaining resumes in February with @psacnat first back to the table, Feb 1 | Ottawa Citizen #canlab
@Morgan_Gay @PSACNCR @psacnat nice PSAC represents workers..........until they get sick!!!!!
Locked-out workers united on PSAC picket line @ Ottawa OLG this aft. -25 out. Shame on #OLG #canlab @psacnat #onpoli
Union dues by percentage went up @psacnat @lepublicservant - hopefully bargaining will offset difference for 2016
@psacnat not so tough anyway. JT said he giving 50M to settle next contract plus signed selfie to all executives. It's de @liberal_party way
Not JT fault either..he swears he wakes up and one of em nannies either on top of em or underneath em? I'm filing a grievance with @psacnat
Damn PS union @psacnat anyway. What right do we have with these thieving Phillippinos? I catch one of those tramps every nite in bed with JT
Gotta be real careful letting these flippers nannies go now, they members of @psacnat Before we just gave em a swift kicked out de door
New Year's on the @psacnat picket line supporting locked out workers at @PlayOLG #playfair
Locked-out Ottawa #PSAC members at OLG standing strong on picket line this aft. Shame on #OLG. #canlab @psacnat
The @psacnat lauds Liberal government’s blocking of Bill C-377 - read their statement here #canlab #incahoots
Hey gaming peeps ... please don't cross the @psacnat picket line at @slotsrideau ...
Ontario Lottery & Grinch Corp betting @psacnat unionized workers at @slotsrideau won’t have a happy holiday season
Just visited the picket line at OLG Rideau Carleton, tks to ODLC. Please visit the line in the coming days they need your support @psacnat
“This decision will serve as a warning to anyone who tries to stand in the way of health and safety enforcement." - @BensonRobyn
«CRTEFP lance un avertissement à tous ceux qui voudront empêcher l’application des dispositions en matière de santé & sécurité» @BensonRobyn