PSAC-UCTE members working at NavCan have reached a tentative agreement with the employer. #canlab
MT @rabbleca 8 things to know about the ongoing OLG #lockout via @psacnat #canlab #cdnpoli #solidarity
@psacnat @JerryPDias Ontario Correction Workers give up Right to Strike? What the heck are they thinking?
@psacnat @larryrousseau @GeorgeDarouze the issue is with OLG not the locked out picketers! Will be there supporting pickets tomorrow #onpoli
PSAC NCR-VP @larryrousseau rebuts Ottawa Coun.@GeorgeDarouze's "public-safety" concerns re. OLG picket. #canlab
@PSACNCR @OntarioLottery @psacnat Thank you for your reply I would be happy to meet. Please contact my office to set something up 6135802490
@GeorgeDarouze @OntarioLottery @psacnat Here's our reply to your open letter from this morning
Read & share my letter to @OntarioLottery and @PSACnat urging safer action during the lockout and protest: #ottnews
How to Make Dealing With Trolls Better in 2016. Great piece by @purpledocket #canlab @psacnat
@metroottawa @psacnat @michaelrwoods PS bargaining, optimism should remain muted, Liberal track record 1990s early 2000s a concern #cdnpoli
@VassyKapelos always slOW To hire workers to public service. homeless vets still suffering on streets. @kenthehr HELP VETS NOW @psacnat
RT @ActivistKent: Dozens of people out supporting the @UFCWCanada1400 members on strike in #yqr. Fighting for a living wage! #skpoli