@psacnat I am trying to fax a consent to provide personal info form and it says it isn't picking up. Can I scan & email it?
Troubling figures: The federal budget is next week - time to restore public services and reduce wait times. @psacnat
Launched a campaign to tackle precarious work in the millennial generation. Tell us ur story. #GenYAsksY @psacnat @PSACOntario @PSACAtlantic
We urge the employer to commit to negotiations & members are mobilizing around our bargaining team to realize this goal. @Savage_Bederian
Members of @UGSW expect better treatment from @UNB #canlab #Fredericton #SaintJohn #NB @psacnat
@livelifelucid @psacnat That's so true. When's the last time that we had a significant increase in pay? Years!!
@rabbleca @teuilafuatai @psacnat We need respectful bargaining...not roll-over bargaining. TB should be tough but fair bargainers.
Public sector bargaining: The new boss looks a lot like the old boss via @teuilafuatai @psacnat #canlab
@MFLabour Pres @KevinRebeck applauded for announcing MB Domestic Violence law at the UN #CSW60 CLC session @psacprairies #canlab @psacnat
CLC Domestic violence session at #CSW60 @BarbByersCLC & Min. Status of Women presenting @PattyHajdu @psacnat #canlab
RT @CanadianLabour: 10 principaux éléments que les #syndcan veulent voir dans le budget fédéral #polcan
RT @CanadianLabour: Top 10 things Cdn unions are looking for in next week's federal budget: #canlab #cdnpoli
We are also hoping for a quick and efficient bargaining process. 👍 @livelifelucid
@PARSECCONSULT @psacnat actually they were recommending anyone but Harper preferably NDP but didn't make anyone vote a certain way.