Négos avec le Conseil du Trésor : nous demeurons résolus à négocier de bonnes ententes #syndcan #negos
@psacnat @CanBorder @ciusdi_en PSAC good luck with your fight for fairness but doesn't this photo look a little 2white for Canada ?
@psacnat @CanBorder @ciusdi_en Since you all voted for Justin what are bitching about? #Sunnyways Canada's back! Sunshine & unicorns.
RT @PSAC_SJYWC: Any #youngworkers gonna be in the #Toronto area? Check it out! #psac @psacnat @PSACAtlantic
@SHUTFRONT Thanks for sharing your opinion. We invite you to share these ideas with your bargaining team at
@psacnat create a sub working group of the neg table to explore sick leave. Dont let it slow down neg. We need our salary increase!
.@psacnat @CanBorder want MP's pension, go into politics. Want LE pension, become a Mountie. Want same pension as CF, join army. #nocompare
@psacnat but "improvement" implies what we have isn't good and we sound like we won't even consider something different yet equally as good.
@ShutterbugLee Actually, we have stated that we continue to seek either a renewal or improvements to the current sick leave regime.
@psacnat thanks just found them. Still very vague. Why can't we know what changes they brought forward since the July 8 2014 proposal?
Pak of TOILET paper costs $10+ &U want #MinimumWage earners to #work for toilet paper wages? @psacnat @CanBorder @ciusdi_en #Union's NoHelp
@psacnat I am really tired of hearing we won't even consider anything new regarding sick leave. What did they propose now?
Few #people getting good or fair #pensions these days. Appreciate what U have. @psacnat @CanBorder @ciusdi_en #PublicWorkerGREED #Union
@ShutterbugLee Updates on what took place at the bargaining table this week are posted on our website:
@psacnat how about you actually tell us what happened this week instead of speculations based on February talks. This is very frustrating.
Agents @CanBorder devraient obtenir une pension = aux autres agents de la loi. @ciusdi_fr
Négos PA: l’employeur ne semblait pas partager le même enthousiasme. #syndcan
PA bargaining: The employer continued to display minimal interest to our proposals. #canlab