RT @TorontoStar: Daycare in Toronto? Total anarchy. Parents are hoping the budget will fix that.
@psacnat so get rid of employment equity legislation and stop discrimination all around
L’AFPC invite tous les membres à se montrer solidaires des communautés racialisées. #StopRacisme
PSAC calls on all members to stand with racialized communities to continue the struggle for justice & human rights.
@psacnat @Bill_Morneau the federal public service is unsustainable as it is. Private sector is what benefits all Canadians.
@psacnat @Bill_Morneau What makes civil servants superior to other mere employees? LPC must "invest" in ALL Can workers. But they won't.
@jacquie_1959 @psacnat @Bill_Morneau ya must not have been enough. Beer is expensive traveling all over the place
Demain est journée de budget fédéral. Voici ce que nous aimerions y voir : #polican #gc #syndcan
@jacquie_1959 @psacnat @Bill_Morneau public service re investment. Does that mean big raises for MPs
“We are at a critical juncture. Gov't needs to lead by example, invest in the country’s social infrastructure." @BensonRobyn #cdnpoli #goc
Des années d’austérité et de coupes ont fragilisé l’économie et démoralisé les fonctionnaires. Ce budget pourrait résoudre le tout. #polican
La libéraux promettaient d’améliorer les services publics. Nous allons voir à ce que le gouvernement tienne promesse.- @BensonRobyn #polican
Nous demandons @Bill_Morneau de véritables changements en réinvestissant ds la fonction publique pour le bénéfice de toute la population.
The Liberals promised to improve quality of public services, including reducing wait times. We'll hold them to that. - @BensonRobyn #cdnpoli