RT @PSACOntario: Ontario agrees to 'immediate and collaborative action' on Grassy Narrows mercury contamination @psacnat #freegrassy
RT @CFRAOttawa: Aylward tells @billcarrolltalk some @psacnat members are being told it may be another two months before they get paid #TheMorningRush
RT @CFRAOttawa: .@psacnat files court notice to force feds to members. Chris Aylward joins @billcarrolltalk #TheMorningRush LISTEN:
No life like it: military OKs 90,000 credit checks @CanadianForces at #cdnpoli @HarjitSajjan @psacnat
.@scottbrison it really adds insult to injury that not only will govt not pay me, but they disconnected the Compensation line too @psacnat
.@scottbrison it really adds insult to injury that not only will govt not pay me, but they disconnected the Compensation line too @psacnat
Aylward tells @billcarrolltalk some @psacnat members are being told it may be another two months before they get paid #TheMorningRush
Aylward tells @billcarrolltalk some @psacnat members are being told it may be another two months before they get paid #TheMorningRush
.@psacnat files court notice to force feds to members. Chris Aylward joins @billcarrolltalk #TheMorningRush LISTEN:
.@psacnat files court notice to force feds to members. Chris Aylward joins @billcarrolltalk #TheMorningRush LISTEN:
@psacnat Any way we could fix our PSHCP? $275 biennially for glasses? Mail in claims? No direct billing? What is the union doing to help?
Public servants left unpaid prompt PSAC to head to Federal Court @psacnat #cdnpoli @PIPSC_IPFPC @CAPE_ACEP
RT @CBCPolitics: Public service unions go to court over federal payroll problems #cdnpoli #hw
RT @jenncarr: Have your say:send a letter to @judy_foote letting her know the Phoenix pay system needs to be fixed now #fixphoenix
Unions file court application to force federal government to pay workers #FixPhoenix #canlab #cdnpoli
Des employés sans salaire depuis des mois au parc national de Jasper #ArrangezPhénix @judy_foote #polcan
Unions file court application to force federal government to pay workers #FixPhoenix #cdnpoli #canlab
Des syndicats demandent à la cour de forcer le fédéral à payer les employés #ArrangezPhénix #polcan #syndcan
Ontario agrees to 'immediate and collaborative action' on Grassy Narrows mercury contamination @psacnat #freegrassy