RT @mattbrett_1984: People for Posties-Winnipeg launching today. Canada Post's Harper-appointed management have to go! #canlab #mbpoli
#Veterans affairs offices are re-opening. Thanks to those who supported our campaign against the closures #cdnpoli
.@psacnat Haven't been paid since May. Was brushed off today by @scottbrison's staff. Govt needs to manually issue paycheques. Now. #Phoenix
.@psacnat Haven't been paid since May. Was brushed off today by @scottbrison's staff. Govt needs to manually issue paycheques. Now. #Phoenix
@psacnat #ICYMI #CPPD is NOT gov but us. #CPP is self-funded with #contributions, not #Tax. #PSAC must support members & counter #propaganda
@psacnat Can u try to counter Gov BS on #pensions? #CanadaPost & Def Contrib? Not unless PSSA uses same
RT @NDP_HQ: It’s time for the Prime Minister to #FixPhoenix and ensure the workers are paid properly for their work: #canlab
@laurbaert @psacnat @ciu_sdi @OttawaCitizen An automated pay system should not leave precarious workers vulnerable - no failsafe? #cdnpoli
Aéroport de Winnipeg : victoire juridique pour les membres de l’UCET #syndcan
RT @PSACOntario: Canada Post issues 72-hour lockout notice; work stoppage possible Friday @cupw @psacnat #cdnpoli @SharonDPSAC
RT @sttp: Postes Canada ferme la porte à des milliers de travailleuses et travailleurs canadiens