RT @larue_isabelle: Écrivez @judy_foote pour lui demander d’arranger immédiatement le système de paye Phénix! #arrangezPhénix
L'AFPC et d’autres syndicats veulent forcer Ottawa à payer les employés touchés #ArrangezPhénix #syndcan @Lactualite
@psacnat probably the call will be answered by an overseas call centre
TB president invites frustrated public servants to call about pay problems #FixPhoenix
In all fairness, there were (still) significant issues with pay centre before Phoenix came along. cc: @psacnat
RT @JulieIreton: Public service pay problems? 'Phone my office,' Treasury Board president offers #ottnews
Retards de paye au fédéral : les syndicats s'adressent aux tribunaux #ArrangezPhénix @judy_foote #syndcan
@MoggyBee @PIPSC_IPFPC @JustinTrudeau absolutely. Members can call @scottbrison directly. also write to Judy Foote
@psacnat SunLife said it is due to security concerns that it needs to be mailed. I call BS. Takes two days with my spouse's plan.
@seriously_alex thanx. We'll be seeking to re-open the Plan to negotiate improvements in the near future and will consider all members input
@psacnat @PIPSC_IPFPC Thx for the reply. I know ppl who were scared of losing their houses...this is unacceptable situation. @JustinTrudeau
If it means govt has to put ppl in workplaces to hand-write paychecks, that's what they have to do @ChrisAylwardVP
PSAC and other unions are taking the gov't to court to force them to pay their workers. Fix this now! #phoenix #goc
@MoggyBee @PIPSC_IPFPC @JustinTrudeau Agreed this needs to be fixed now! We are taking the govt to court and doing everything we can
@jencarter35 Sorry about your situation. This is unacceptable. We are doing everything we can to get the government to pay people now.
@seriously_alex thanks for your question. we will get back to you with a response shortly.
RT @ChnookNet: So many communities in need of water. PSAC - AFPC @psacnat #cdnpoli #grassynarrows
RT @PSACOntario: Public servants left unpaid prompt PSAC to head to Federal Court @psacnat #cdnpoli @PIPSC_IPFPC @CAPE_ACEP