Phénix: @larryrousseau n'est pas surpris de voir le gouv rater la cible du 31 oct. Peu rassurant #ArrangezPhénix
It was great to meet with CEIU Manitoba local presidents yesterday. Great discussion on issues they are facing. @psacnat @psacprairies
@JustinTrudeau @PSACOntario @psacnat Different Hair - Same Hair Treatment! No Sunny Days in sight for Public Servants #MakeGoodOnYourWord
Can be disclosed #RosannaDiPaola bonus pay for her outstanding catastrophe w #PhoenixPaySystem? @psacnat #fixphoenix
Way to go @psacnat! It's nice that tone has changed but now it's time for the real, substantive change & action…
@PSACOntario @psacnat @UNDEUEDN UNDE Local 641 supports our Bargaining Teams #solidarity #bargaining #PA #TC #SV…
"It’s an honor serving them and they all had our backs right through the whole process" Storkson @psacnat @NAPS_Police #firstnationspolicing
Elimination of officers working routinely alone by 2018 says Storkson @psacnat new labor agreement for @NAPS_Police #firstnationspolicing
Jay Storkson @psacnat @NAPS_Police "best deal at this time" thx media + cmmties for support, victory for everybody #firstnationspolicing
Officers w @NAPS_Police ratified new labor agmt - 30 new hires + cell/sat phones says @psacnat local pres #firstnationspolice
@_Sylvia_1 @GlennMcmillan14 @psacnat Yeah many of us lived under the useless PM PET took years 2 recover his boy even worse 4 CDN
@KINGUNENEVP @psacnat all of which are without a contract at risk of losing sick leave and being offered almost no raise for all their work.