Government admits #Phoenix pay problems won't be sorted by Halloween deadline @psacnat #FixPhoenix @JustinTrudeau
Truc du jour: tenez journal pour réduire votre stress! Partagez égoportrait #PoseSantéPS pour gagner @fitbit! @donnerautravail @psacnat
@lbeezaayy we have been working very hard to push for this to be fixed and for compensation for expenses.
Do something fun! Blow bubbles. Tell jokes. Reduce your stress. Tweet us your #hpHealthySelfie! @PSGives_SPDonne @psacnat @giveatwork
@liberal_party perhaps u should be calling the public servants and explaining why our pay system still is not fixed @psacnat @JustinTrudeau
Great work by our fellow officers at the Canadian border @CanBorder @psacnat
RT @ciu_sdi: Via @LeDroitca – l'@afpcnat monte le ton envers le gouvernement Trudeau … #tenezvospromesses #syndcan
Tip of the day - start an adult colouring group and meet on your breaks! @PSGives_SPDonne @psacnat #hpHealthySelfie @giveatwork
@ciu024 @psacnat @PSACOntario @RCMP_Nat_Div Plse take ownership of these matters & follow due process as I am wrongfully voided of service.
@ciu024 @psacnat @PSACOntario @RCMP_Nat_Div I don't want 2 knowingly participate in matters of the State=criminal investigations not aprty 2
@ciu024 @psacnat @PSACOntario @RCMP_Nat_Div I can't accept Insurance/CPP benefits meant 4 those who lawfully earned them as am not F Khokhar
@ciu024 @psacnat @PSACOntario @RCMP_Nat_Div truly I am neither a gangster nor able bodied enough 2 fulfill bondsmen services & mde non grata
@ciu024 @psacnat @PSACOntario @RCMP_Nat_Div please arrange my rtn to Scotland, UK, & contact my legal trustee Dickson Minto as is directed.
@ciu024 @psacnat @PSACOntario @RCMP_Nat_Div respectful communications have been woefully missing and instead I've been abused & voided of ID
@ciu024 @psacnat @PSACOntario @RCMP_Nat_Div its my understanding I and other affected Executives r revoked of CDN Citizenship 09 Act updates
@ciu024 @psacnat @PSACOntario @RCMP_Nat_Div Thary (le) Sann Fariah Khokhar presumptive PRI 099932814 its obs. I was vished/ghosted for ID ..