Truc pour diminuer le stress : créez un groupe de coloriage au travail pendant la pause! Partagez votre égoportrait #PoseSantéPS @psacnat
@psacnat @NG_Research will you support #MuskratFalls #hungerstrikers at tomorrow's rally in #Ottawa?
RT @CBrentPatterson: The @CouncilofCDNs @MaudeBarlow calls on Trudeau to respect #UNDRIP & #StopMuskratFalls,…
RT @Donna_Carroll83: This little girl is one of the many reasons why I am protesting to #MakeMuskratRight #nccaction
RT @HelenSpitzer: Muskrat Falls is the true test of Trudeau's commitment to #Reconciliation #makemuskratright
RT @riseupclc: Danielle Dubuc from @psacnat is sharing knowledge on mobilizing our membership on human rights issues. #riseup2016
PSAC stands in solidarity with #MakeMuskratRight, opposing the imminent poisoning of Labrador’s waters and food
Danielle Dubuc from @psacnat is sharing knowledge on mobilizing our membership on human rights issues. #riseup2016
De toutes les personnes au Canada recevant un diagnostic de cancer, 42% vivent une #dépression. @PSGives_SPDonne @psacnat @cancersociety
#MakeMuskratRight all @psacnat speak out in support of the sisters and brothers in Muskrat Falls who are protecting OUR environment
Tip of the day – play touch football with your colleagues at work! Tweet us at #hpHealthySelfie to join movement! @PSGives_SPDonne @psacnat
Le 31 oct, les membres de l’AFPC réveilleront le gouvernement liberal. Le respect, c’est pas sorcier #ArrangezPhénix
Oct 31st: PSAC members to send Liberal government a message. Stop the tricks, treat us with respect #FixPhoenix
Chaque jour 500,000 Canadiens manquent le travail pour cause de #maladiementale? Relevez le défi #PoseSantéPS @psacnat @PSGives_SPDonne