As Treasury Board bargaining nears a breaking point, join our national panelists to discuss the latest bargaining news, why strong mobilization is more important than ever, and how other PSAC members have taken strike action to win important victories during the pandemic.
Strikes won during the pandemic
Tuesday, May 17
7 p.m. (EDT)
Registration required
We will hear from:
- Danielle Dubuc, Customs and Immigration Union member
- Charito Humphreys, PA Group bargaining team member
- Jamey Mills, BC regional executive vice-president
- Josiane Bertrand Mongeon, member of Local 70153, Office of the Auditor General
- Sharon DeSousa, PSAC national vice-president
This panel will be moderated by Jamey Mills, PSAC BC regional executive vice-president.
At the end of the panel, participate in a digital action with members across the country to support our demands at the Treasury Board bargaining tables.
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with more details about joining the webinar.