It was a frustrating few days at the bargaining table for Parks Canada workers. Our bargaining team met with Parks Canada representatives January 30 and 31 to exchange proposals and begin negotiations. The team was faced with an employer who had little to exchange and was unprepared to have meaningful discussions.

A disappointing start to negotiations

Our Parks bargaining team presented a full package that reflects the important issues facing our members. Our team came prepared to discuss expanding the definition of family, protections in the workplace, domestic violence leave, work life balance and joining the National Joint Council.

Review a copy of PSAC’s Parks Canada Bargaining Demands

The employer’s package was void of any language to review. Much of the package included nearly blank pages containing only one or two lines. Our bargaining team spent much of the first day pressuring Parks Canada to bring some language to the table so they could have a meaningful discussion. The employer returned on the second day with a few additional pages that contained some language, but not much.

Review a copy of Parks Canada Employer Bargaining Demands

A frustrating trend

The Parks bargaining team’s experience seems to be part of a frustrating trend of government representatives showing up to the bargaining table unwilling to bargain in good faith with public service workers. Last month, the PSAC/UTE bargaining team declared an impasse in negotiations with the Canada Revenue Agency after months of unproductive bargaining meetings, and PSAC has asked Treasury Board to come to the table with a new mandate in after months of delays and offensive counter-proposals.

Future bargaining dates

Our Parks bargaining team was successful in securing upcoming bargaining dates with the employer. The teams will meet again on the following days:

  • March 12 – 14
  • April 30 – May 2
  • May 28 – 30

We expect the employer to return to the table better prepared and ready to negotiate fairly with Parks Canada members.
