June 27

Bonification des soins dentaires des fonctionnaires fédéraux : c’est parti!

La Commission des relations de travail vient de statuer que le Conseil du Trésor agit de mauvaise foi en refusant de renégocier le Régime de soins dentaires de la fonction publique (RSDFP). L’AFPC peut maintenant lancer les négociations au nom de plus de 185 000 de ses membres de la fonction publique fédérale. 

June 27

Negotiations begin to improve dental benefits for federal workers

Following a labour board decision that found Treasury Board was acting in bad faith by refusing to come to the table, we have now begun negotiations to improve the Public Service Dental Care Plan (PSDP) for over 185,000 PSAC members.  

June 23

Le gouvernement ratifie les conventions collectives de 155 000 membres de l'AFPC

Le gouvernement a approuvé la convention collective des membres de l’AFPC-SEI à l’Agence du revenu du Canada (ARC), ainsi que celles des groupes PA, TC, SV et EB du Conseil du Trésor.

June 23

Government ratifies collective agreements for 155,000 PSAC members

The federal government has ratified the collective agreements for PSAC-UTE members working at Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) and in the Treasury Board PA, TC, SV, and EB bargaining units. 

June 20

L’AFPC annonce les nouvelles vice-présidences exécutives régionales

PSAC members have gathered at regional conventions across the country over the past two months to chart the path forward for our regions and elect PSAC’s Regional Executive Vice-Presidents, who sit on the Alliance Executive Committee and give a national voice to members.  

June 20

Groupe FB : l’AFPC-SDI a présenté ses revendications salariales

L’équipe de négo du groupe FB a poursuivi les pourparlers avec l’Agence des services frontaliers du Canada (ASFC) et le Conseil du Trésor du 13 au 16 juin.

June 20

FB bargaining: PSAC-CIU tables wage demands

Our FB Bargaining Team met with Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) and Treasury Board June 13-16 to continue talks towards a new collective agreement. After conducting a comprehensive analysis of compensation and working conditions within the law enforcement community, we presented our wage demands.

June 20

PSAC announces newly elected Regional Executive Vice-Presidents

PSAC members have gathered at regional conventions across the country over the past two months to chart the path forward for our regions and elect PSAC’s Regional Executive Vice-Presidents, who sit on the Alliance Executive Committee and give a national voice to members.  

June 15

L’AFPC applaudit la nouvelle loi qui protégera les pensions des faillites

Parliament has passed the Pension Protection Act (Bill C-228), which makes some long overdue changes to finally protect pensioners and workers who stand to lose some or all of their pensions when companies go bankrupt.  

June 15

PSAC welcomes new legislation that will protect pensioners when companies go bankrupt

Parliament has passed the Pension Protection Act (Bill C-228), which makes some long overdue changes to finally protect pensioners and workers who stand to lose some or all of their pensions when companies go bankrupt.


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