November 17

Safety for Trans and Non-binary People

On November 20, we recognize Transgender Day of Remembrance, a day to honour the many trans and non-binary lives lost to hate. It is also an opportunity to educate ourselves about the continued issues that trans people face every day and what we can do to help. 

November 17

PSAC Anti-Racism Action Plan: National townhalls begin next week

National telephone townhalls for PSAC’s Anti-Racism Action Plan have been launched for Indigenous and racialized members. These national townhalls are the last part of the Anti-Racism Action Plan consultation process that began in 2021.

November 10

La signature de la convention collective de l’ACIA se fait toujours attendre

Le 8 septembre dernier, la majorité des membres de l’AFPC à l’ACIA ratifiaient leur entente de principe. Depuis, l’équipe de négo attend avec impatience que l’employeur en livre la version définitive.

November 14

NAV CANADA bargaining: Tell us how to improve your next contract

PSAC is getting ready for the next round of bargaining for members working at NAV CANADA. As the first step in this process, we need to hear from you. 
November 10

Négociations avec Parcs Canada : l’AFPC dépose une plainte pour pratique déloyale de travail

L’AFPC a déposé une plainte pour pratique déloyale de travail contre Parcs Canada qui refuse de verser au personnel saisonnier et temporaire le montant forfaitaire négocié dans la convention collective signée le 26 septembre. 
November 10

Parks Canada bargaining: PSAC files unfair labour practice

PSAC has filed an unfair labour practice against the Parks Canada Agency for refusing to provide seasonal and term workers the pensionable lump sum payment negotiated as part of the collective agreement signed September 26.
November 10

Navigating Delays: CFIA Collective Agreement Still Pending

Despite the majority of CFIA members ratifying the agreement on September 8, 2023, our PSAC bargaining team continues to be frustrated by the employer’s delay in delivering the finalized version of the new collective agreement.

November 10

Le cauchemar Canada Vie : l’histoire de Kari

La décision du gouvernement fédéral de transférer à Canada Vie l’administration du Régime de soins de santé de la fonction publique est source de frustrations pour plus de 1,7 million de fonctionnaires fédéraux, actuels et retraités, et leurs personnes à charge. Voici l’histoire de certains d’entre eux. Ensemble, faisons pression sur le gouvernement pour qu’il corrige la situation sans plus tarder. 

November 10

Canada Life fiasco: Kari’s story

The government of Canada’s decision to transition to Canada Life to provide health insurance benefits for more than 1.7 million current and former federal public service workers and their dependents has caused frustrating challenges and delays for plan members. We’re highlighting some of the ongoing issues that members are facing as we continue to pressure the government and urge members to take action for the government to resolve issues with Canada Life.

November 14

Négociations avec NAV CANADA : dites-nous comment améliorer votre convention collective

L’AFPC se prépare en vue de la prochaine ronde de négociation avec NAV CANADA et souhaite connaître votre avis.


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