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By using the notwithstanding clause to impose a new contract, the Ford government is stripping workers of their constitutional right to free collective bargaining.
After a week of mediation, Treasury Board made no effort to find common ground in bargaining with our more than 10,000 SV group members, refusing to budge on any key issues, especially when it came to fair wages and market adjustments.
The PSAC National Board of Directors (NBoD) has placed the Union of National Employees (UNE) in trusteeship, effective October 24, 2022.
Following a week of mediation, the federal government continues to refuse to budge on its wage offer that would deliver a pay cut to nearly 11,000 federal public service workers in the TC group who are facing record high inflation and a looming recession.
The Federal Public Sector Labour Relations and Employment Board has scheduled Public Interest Commission (PIC) hearings for the EB, PA, SV, and TC groups.
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